Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My First Counseling Session

On Monday March 1 I had my first counseling session with my psychologist. The main purpose for I seeked professional counseling is that I am currently facing a monumental challenge in my life and as such I need to obtain accurate feedback about my abilities, strengths and weaknesses. In May 2009 when I wrote my first blog "Look Beyond Where You Can See" my goal was to create a permanent record and documentation of my life and share experience as means of inspiring and motivating people around me to follow their dreams. On Monday my counsellor said some things me that caused me to rekindle the thoughts of blogging.

Most people operate in a comfort zone that limits their possibilities, their thinking and their achievements. To date I have had a extremely interesting and fulfilling because I some risks. Most people settle for being ordinary but my destine and goal in life has being to be extraordinary. However I will let you know that the crisis I am facing today has shattered the lives of both lesser and greater men than I. So I am at an extremely vulnerable point in my life and how I handle my current situation from here on will determine how well I fair in the end. The mantle of man's greatest is proven by his ability to overcome challenges and my resolve today is to demonstrate the fortitude to prevail. If you know me well enough my stance should not surprise you. I am best described by Douglas Mcgregor Theory Y which implying I am ambitious and self-motivated and exercise self-control. Work for me is as natural as play. You will also know that based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that my self-actualization were activated and as such I am propelled by need to be and do that which was "born to do." As a self-actualizing individual it means I am self-aware, concerned with personal growth, less concerned with the opinions of others and interested fulfilling their potential.

As you might know seeking professional counseling is not something that is well entrenched in the Jamaican culture least of all Jamaican males. However ,the fact that I am in counseling should tell you that I acknowledge that on my own I can't navigate the crisis I am facing and most importantly I have broken ranks with the average Jamaican male.

For my friends and family it is important that I document this experience so that other can learn from my experience and be inspired. On a much more personal note as I am not sure how well my children understand my current predicament it is imperative that I create some kind of documentation for them to review when they are older. Like my counsellor you are my ears where ever in cycber land you are. Blogging is open space so you will be free to comment on my psotings. However I make one request if you are compelled to be rude or disrespectful please keep your comments to yourself.

On Monday my counsellor said three things that cause me rekindle the thoughts of blogging. One, she was sympathic towards me and told me that she would not like to be in my situation. This does not surprised me as my situation is extremely complex. My initial session was scheduled for 45 minutes but it lasted for 2 hours and at the end she said I inspired her and she wish she was a little bit like me willing to take risk and think outside the box. If you know me well enough you will know that I will always find something to inspire you and make you feel good about yourself. The third thing she said me she would love to see me teach and influence young minds especially young black males. Again if you know me well enough the sharing of knowledge is a hallmark of my success.

Tomorrow I will share a little bit more with you on the situations that has caused me grief.

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