Friday, September 20, 2013

You Are Great!

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” ― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Today I would like to tell that you are great but first kindly allow me to express my sincere gratitude to you. So far on this journey you have been wonderful, gracious and generous to me. You have allowed me to invade your private space whether it is on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and other social medias with my thoughts and inspiration. I sincerely appreciate the time you have taken to read my blog and other postings. Thank you…You are a fantastic audience and you are great!

Despite the challenges you may have faced during this week or throughout your life I would like to reassure that you are great. The challenges of you face at times may seem daunting but they are not insurmountable.  To be great you have to deny doubt.  Men such as Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and Ghandi all denied doubt and as such they left an indomitable mark on the world.  In 1980, the outstanding Canadian Terry Fox with one leg having been amputated, embarked on a journey to run across Canada and consequently inspired a nation and the world.

Like these great men of our time in history you too can deny doubt to show your greatness. Remember great men like Thomas Edison faced challenges and doubts.  If Thomas Edison had gone no further after his numerous attempts to create the light bulb had failed he could never have won the glory which changed him into the legend we know him as today. Even Martin Luther and Nelson Mandela, who are icons today, faced numerous laborious tasks and challenges.   You too can make your mark on the world by denying doubts.

To achieve your full potential of greatness pause for a moment and look at where you are in your life. Examine your accomplishments and your unfulfilled dreams and goals. Remember your achievements are the fruits of your labour.  What more can you achieve?  With all that you have accomplished, you should not hesitate to extend your power and influence in your community. Share your success with others.  In my case one of my passions is youth empowerment through mentoring and coach in the Region of Peel. I am also an advocate against youth violence and human trafficking in the Greater Toronto Area. As you celebrate your successes and accomplishments I encourage you get involve in your community. The great men and women of our times were actively involved in their communities.

You are G.R.E.A.T! You are GIFTED, RESPECTABLE/RESPECTED, EDUCATED, AMBITIOUS and TENACIOUS. You are fiercely determined and dedicated, and capable of overcoming whatsoever challenges you face.

Success and greatness belongs to you.  I see greatness in you. You are great!

Enjoy your weekend!

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share.

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