Monday, December 16, 2013

Charting the Course for Success in 2014

Hello friends, I trust you had a wonderful weekend and wish you a very peaceful and productive week. On Friday I attended the funeral services for my brother’s wife in NYC. My heart and prayers are with my brother and his children. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Today I would like to share with my thoughts on charting a course for success in 2014. Last Thursday as I sat in the departure lounge at Pearson International Airport I could not help pondering where all the travelers were going? I could not help wondering what they would be doing when they get to their destinations. Most travelers in an airport usually know where they are heading. But do we always know where we are going in life? Do you know what you would like to accomplish in 2014? Do you have a solid plan for success in 2014? Or you just flying by or making it up as you go along?

As we approach the beginning of a New Year it is time for you to start charting your course for success in 2014. Success is achieved by developing a plan to put your dreams into actions. You need a plan or a roadmap to implement and turn your dreams for 2014 into reality.

You have to plan your work for 2014 and start working your plan. Your plan will be an important component to your success in the New Year. Use the S.M.A.R.T E.R framework when setting your goals that is make your goals specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. You want set out the big goals that will get you where you want to go. Then break your goals into bite-sized pieces you can accomplish each. To do this you need to create a series of easily attainable goals and work towards accomplishing each. For example in 2013 I started to connect with youth groups, schools, colleges and other community based organisations to promote my Leaders Leave Legacy Workshop and solicit speaking engagements.

You must assess and keep track of your progress. A key requirement for success is accountability. How will you track your progress? In my case I am blogging about my progress. You will want to determine how well you are performing during 2014. As you accomplish those easily attainable goals you want to evaluate and re-evaluate your progress and over time revise or set new goals. You can use a daily, weekly or monthly planner as a tool to manage your time and track your progress towards your deadline. Make adjustments to your plan where necessary. You may need to refocus or change your approach. The key here is to make your plan dynamic. You plan should not be static.

You will need to identify the keys areas in which you will need help from others to succeed. You may also need to collaborate with others who have similar goals and objectives. Remember that that working or collaborating with other like-minded individuals can produce amazing results and help you achieve your goals.

To reach your goals, you must first determine what your goals are and then set a timetable to achieve them. Remember that your plan document your dreams into specific goals with a deadline. The secret of success is planning so write down your goals and your actionable tasks. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound. Remember that no matter how thoroughly you plan you can’t anticipate everything so be flexible.

The start of a New Year is an opportune time to chart your course for success …so let us get going or put action into your plan today for success in 2014.

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

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