Friday, November 29, 2013

Boris Johnson and Elitism

Hello friends, please allow me to express my deepest condolences to my brother, Paul and his family on the sad on news of the passing of my beloved sister-in-law, Linnitte. Please keep my brother and my precious nieces and nephews in your thoughts. 

I sincerely hope your week is ending much better than mine and that you will have a fun filled weekend. I am conflicted on whether I should finish my blog for today but I recognise I must remain strong for my brother and his children. Today I will coordinate with my Peter to make plans for my father to travel from Jamaica to join Paul and his family in Florida. I will also make arrangements for to be with Paul during his time of grief.

On a more positive note, my High Performance Leadership project Holiday Season Food Drive to benefit the Salvation Army of Brampton is going great. Yesterday I collected a box of non-perishable food items from the City of Mississauga Employees Toastmasters (COMET). My goal is to collect at least TEN 3.0 cubic feet (18 x 18 x 16) boxes of non-perishable food items to be delivered to the Salvation Army of Brampton by mid-December. 

Today, I would like to ask the question “Are some people too stupid to get ahead?” In a speech to the Centre for Policy Studies think-tank in London Boris Johnson, London mayor said he don’t believe economic equality will ever be possible because some people are too stupid to get ahead in the modern world. What do you think? Are cries of unpleasant elitism based on Boris Johnson’s comments justified?

I do believe some people make decisions that make it almost impossible for them to get ahead. Poor choices or decisions during this period of severe economic turbulence will result in serious hardship and poverty for some people. To compound matters the recent global economic crisis has resulted in high unemployment rates, reduction in wage levels and the lack of basic social amenities such as health care to so many people. Asset values including pension funds have been eroded and there is no doubt that many people will not reap the true benefits of the free market system. Increased competition from globalization aided by advances in technology necessitates a particular frame of mind for individuals to stay in the game and get ahead. Those who are unable to stay in the field of competition will faced with low paying jobs, heavy reliance on government social services and in some cases severe hardship. To remain in the game and to be serious competitor requires self-regulation, conscientiousness and diligence which I covered in my blog titled “My Wife’s 3 Incredible Gut Punches.” Obviously, stupidity, poor decisions or choices are clearly not included in the key factors for success.

As I noted in my blog titled “Ditch the Darn the Wheel of Fortune” you have to set goals and work damn hard to get ahead. There are no free lunches out there and very little margin for errors or poor choices. To get ahead and be successful requires an embodiment of determination, hard work, focus, diligence and consistency. To get ahead you have to respond to rapid changes around you. You have to be innovative and take risks. Read my blog titled “Rekindling A Childlike Approach to Success.” You have to develop an understanding how the Internet and social media is empowering others to get ahead. Read my blog titled “Don’t Fear Cannibalization, See it as Opportunities.” 

I believe if you work hard and if you are determined and focus you will get ahead. However, if you make poor choices life will be difficult.

What do you think? Is Boris Johnson an elitist? Are some people too stupid to get ahead?

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

We Will Soar Again

Today I share a poem for my brother, Paul, whom I love so much and share so much childhood memories with. Paul has spent the last few days by spouse’s bedside as she battle an aggressive return of cancer. I am sad today and ask for your prayers for my brother Paul, his spouse and my nieces and nephews.

We Will Soar Again

Do not fear the winds of sorrows
We are with you in this dark hour
Like a kite flying high in the wind
With brotherly love
We will soar again

We never knew
Her cancer would return so soon
Now we are swallowed up in fear
Our love is keeping you at her side
As she drift by she is holding on
Do let her know we care
With love
We will soar again

Fresh in our memories
Is the day our mother died
As you watch your spouse drift by
I felt the pain in your voice
From sunny Florida to wintry Toronto
It brought tears to my eyes
We know she is strong
For she is holding on
We will soar again

We love you Paul
We will hug, we shall cry
We will look to the sky
Like our mother before she died
We too will not ask God why
We will soar again

In this dark hour of sorrows
We embrace you with love
And your children too
Together as brothers
We will watch the white doves fly above
On the wings of a Phoenix with love
We will soar again

To my brother Paul with love.

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Six Sexy Steps to Seductive Sirens

Hello Friends,

Yesterday at about 5.30pm I saw a Region of Peel police cruiser made a left turn from Bovaird onto Kennedy heading south. As the officer entered the busy intersection on the amber light he initiated the flashing emergency lights without the sound of the siren and I thought to myself what if we all had our own sirens.

How many times have you raced through an amber light at a busy intersection? What if we all had our own sirens?

A siren is a device that makes a loud prolonged signal or warning sound. In Greek mythology, Sirens were considered dangerous and beautiful creatures, portrayed as femme fatales (women or winged creatures) who lured unwary sailors nearby with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island.

A siren alerts or draws your attention to danger or emergency situations. What if you had your own siren? What would you do?

Today I want you to think of siren in a slightly different way than to alert or draw the attention of others to dangerous or emergency situations. I want you to think of your siren as a tool that puts the spotlight on your goals. Think of your siren as the flashing lights that draws attention to the tasks and activities you are engaged in the pursuit of your dream, success and happiness.

Just as Odysseus understood the power that seductive sirens possessed you too should understand and develop the ability to put the spotlight on your dreams and goals. It is about getting notice. I have long learned that in a highly competitive environment I have to find creative ways to guide clients and potential employers in my direction. In one of my previous blogs titled “How I Hire:  I should have made them liked me” I spoke about the level of competition I face in my field.

We are all operating in a highly competitive space and for want of a better word we have to “develop seductive siren mythical magic.” We have to sooth songs and magical melodies to shine the spotlights on our dreams and goals just like Greek mythology depicts sirens that foster the rare ability to lure sailors into submission.

Here are my six sexy steps to engaging your seductive siren mythical magic:

Set your goals and have a plan
In order to engage your seductive siren and be successful you have to focus on what you want to achieve. You have to know what you want, and then devise a path to pursuing your passion. Let me tell you the secret I have heard over and over again. The open secret is you have to set clear and specific goals. You also have to have a plan on how to achieve your goals. A goal is a specific objective you want to achieve and your plan is the blueprint or roadmap for achieving your goals. 

In my blog yesterday titled “The Power of Believing in Yourself” I shared with you my goal to becoming a professional motivational speaker and some the steps I have taken to make this a reality. Remember success starts with having specific goals and an actionable plan. You have to identify and communicate your goals and plan how to achieve them.

Be a Performer
Remember in Greek mythology sirens that lured unsuspected sailors with lovely music and beautiful voices. If you are performer you will attract attention to your goals. You will get noticed.

Yesterday I delivered a humourous speech titled “Drunk Driver, Dead Deer, Delicious Dinner.” My core message was to caution my audience about the dangers of drinking and driving and to encourage them not to drink and drive this Holiday Season. When I was introduced I staggered to the lecture much like a drunken stupor or inebriated Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. I held a black bag as if attempting to disguise my bottle of Captain Morgan Black Rum. My shirt was partially unbuttoned giving the appearance of being unkempt. I initially spoke with a slight slur to exaggerate the state of being inebriated. For the first couple of minutes during the opening of my speech I was in full character of being drunk. I was a performer.

To engage your seductive siren you have to be a performer. Please allow me to put this in context for you. If you say you are going to do something, please do it! If you give a commitment to deliver on a task, keep your deadline as best as you and deliver on your commitments and promises. The world adores performers and achievers. Effective performance and results builds your reputation and credibility.

Be Flirtatious
A key lesson I am learning since I started daily blogging more than two months ago is the importance of a catchy title. I realise that if I have a very catchy title I attract more viewers which is a good thing. Tied back to my point above relating to performance is the fact that a catchy title by itself does not contribute to retention of readers. Retention is based on the integrity and creditability of the messages of my blog. In my daily blogs I “flirt freely” with the titles of my posts but I invest heavily in the messages of posts. Look at my title today “Six Sexy Steps to Seductive Sirens.” What do you think about my title today? What are your thoughts on my message? In the my content useful?

Make Yourself Vulnerable
As I noted above some of the titles of my daily blog posts are flirtatious. Remember in Greek mythology sirens were indiscriminate in luring and capturing sailors. The Internet and social media such as Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Twitter and Youtube provides us with tools to access and reach an audience way beyond our immediate community. Through my daily blog posts I can reach well beyond Brampton and Mississauga and other parts of the Greater Toronto Area. For me there is just no two ways about it. I believe in what I am doing. I am committed to doing it. I have passion for what I am doing. You too should be confident about your goals and plan. You too should speak freely about your dreams, your accomplishments and successes. You should pitch your ideas with confidence. Flirt it here and there freely. 

Make yourself slightly vulnerable and exposed. Share with others your stories, experiences and accomplishments so that they may be inspired and motivated. Consider the seductive goddess of Greek mythology how they were exposed. As you share your dreams, stories, experiences and accomplishments speak freely about your mistakes and errors of judgement. Share the lessons learned from such experiences. Open yourself up to be scrutinized. Take risk but manage it prudently. Let me share a little dirty secret I discovered about my daily blogging and become slightly vulnerable to you. I learn that blogging daily comes with a big disadvantage as some readers are not likely to subscribe by email because of the fear of spamming! To avert this risk I continue to invest my time in the preparation of my message and content in my efforts to win your hearts and minds. Email me and tell me how am I doing?

I have to admit to you that I never in my wildest dreams thought the day would come when I sounded so excited about the things I am doing. You have to understand that my Jamaican culture taught me that self-praise is no recommendation or that you should not blow your own trumpet. However, business studies and my experience in business since setting up Mark McKenzie Consulting in 2006 has taught me that this is call effective public relations, marketing and promotions. 
Please tell the world what you doing or about to do….then do it!

Be Flashy or Ostentatiously Attractive but don’t shout
To engage your seductive siren you have to be flashy or ostentatiously attractive. Remember I started with the Region of Peel police cruise initiating its emergency lights while navigating a busy intersection on the amber light. The emergency lights were flashing but the siren was not on. Remember my humourous speech I mentioned above I tread a delicate and slippery slope in delivering my core message related to drinking and driving. The issue of drinking and driving is a serious subject. We are all too well aware of the risks and tragic consequences of drinking and driving. I used humour and acting in my delivery to capture the attention of the audience attention but stay far from crossing over to endorsing the practice of drinking and driving. I was flashy, humourous and entertaining but not noisy and avoided distraction from my core message.

Think of your goals and plan and the ways in which you would like to get notice. You want to do in a similar way as the police cruise with its emergency lights flashing. In your career you want to be flashy and impressive but you don’t way to shout. You don’t want to confuse or mesmerize the attention you are seeking as this can be a distraction. Keep the focus on your goals and plan. Be confident but not arrogant. You want to be impressive and you certainly want to avoid becoming annoying. Direct the attention to the things you are doing and on your accomplishments and successes.

Be Confident and Assertive
To engage your seductive siren you have to be confident and assertive. The more experience you have the more confident and assertive you will be. Seek out and acquire knowledge related to your goals. Get a mentor or coach. Work on your communication skills. Get involved in your community. These are all things you can do to boost your confidence and become more assertive. I admire the confidence and assertiveness of Elon Musk from SpaceX. The man is so bold and confident he is selling the world an idea about colonization of Mars. Isn’t that amazing?

To engage your seductive siren you have to be as bold and as confident in your dreams and goals as Elon Musk from SpaceX. Read my blog “Elon Musk and SpaceX’s Goal Setting and Success.”

Have Passion for What You Do and Have Fun
In Greek mythology the unwary sailors were lured because of their passion to be seduced and desire to have fun. You success starts with your dreams and desire. Success starts with your passion and having fun doing the things you are doing. If you have passion for the things you are doing and appears to be having fun doing it you will get notice. You can show passion for the things you are doing by sharing your stories and experience with others so that they too may cultivate a similar passion. You can join interest groups that share similar interests as you do.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate your support and encouragement. I encourage you to engage your seductive siren mythical magic. What are your doing to engage your seductive siren mythical magic?

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Power of Believing in Yourself

Please allow me to extend my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Olivia Wise, the Toronto teen who died Monday afternoon. Olivia was diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago after suffering a seizure on vacation. She captured our hearts with a viral video of her singing Katy Perry’s “Roar.”

Today I would like to share my thoughts on the power of you believing in yourself. The foundation of all success is the awesome power believing in yourself and self-confidence. In February 1964, a 22-year old boxer named Cassius Clay whom we all know today as Muhammad Ali defeated the heavyweight champion Sonny Liston. Before and after the fight Ali said “I am the greatest.” Ali went on to become one of the greatest boxers in history. Ali had the conviction and self-belief to say he was the greatest long this before he knew he was in fact the greatest. Ali later said that he figured that if he said it enough, he would convince the world that he really was the greatest.

Do you belief so strongly in yourself that you can convince the world that you are the greatest? You can achieve anything when you believe in yourself. However, if you are filled with self-doubts, uncertainties and indecisiveness it will eat away at your self-belief and self-confidence and you will fail at whatever you are doing. Throughout my life I have had experiences where the lack of self-belief and self-confidence fuels doubts, fear of failure and fear of rejection which resulted in my goals not being realised. For example, in 2009 I started my blog, McKenzie’s Voice, but I had no specific purpose and consequently I doubted my abilities to truly capture an audience and as such it did not take long for me to stop blogging. Since September I have been blogging daily and I am enjoying it tremendously. Today I have a much stronger conviction in my abilities and as such I have eliminated self-doubt and indecisiveness from my mind when it comes to blogging. As Henry Ford said “Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.” You have to believe in yourself. You have to be confident whether you think you can or you think you can’t do something.

Self-belief and self-confidence is like a magnetic force that pulls you towards the centre of gravity. It pulls you towards your deepest desires and passions. It is deep in your subconscious mind and navigates you towards your goals, dreams and success. I like to call it the feel good feeling or positive vibration – in Jamaica we would say “I man irie!” Self- confidence is a state for full alignment where you are single minded and fully focused on the realization of your goals. Self-belief and self-confidence is an antidote against naysayers. Naysayers are people who will tell you can’t do the things that are important to you. They will discourage you from pursuing your passion. They will laugh at your dreams or ridicule you for the things you are doing to realise your dreams and goals.

Allow me to share another personal example. For more than 10 years I have honed and developed my public speaking and communications skills through my involvement in the Toastmasters programme. Earlier this year I decided I wanted to move my public speaking and communication skills to completely different level. I decided I wanted to become a motivational speaker. My passion is driven by the fact that through my work in financial services I have had the opportunity to see people and the world that we live in different eyes. I have experienced the beauty of different countries and cultures around the world and I firmly believe that by sharing my stories and experiences with you and others, you will be motivated and inspired to dream. Armed with this self-belief and self-confidence I commenced implementation and execution of my plan to realize my goal to be a motivational speaker.

One of the first steps I took was to accept the nomination and then got elected vice president of education for my home club, City Centre Toastmasters Club and I was also appointed area governor for four (4) clubs in Guelph, Ontario. These two roles provided me with more opportunities to speak within the Toastmasters community. I also joined a number of speaking bureaus in the Greater Toronto Area. I also started promoting my Leaders Leave Legacy Workshop among high schools and college students as well as to community youth groups such as RESQ in Brampton, Ontario. I also joined Terry Fox Public School Council where I am currently the co-chair. In addition, to my Leaders Leave Legacy Workshop, I also started to promote my advocacy work related to social issues such as human trafficking and youth violence in the Greater Toronto Area. I also enhanced my presence on social media websites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube and Google+ to create greater visibility.

Below I share three specific things you should do to start believing in yourself

Determine your core values
Your values in life determine your beliefs, about yourself and the world around you. I am driven by respect, love and generosity. I believe the people around me should be treated with respect and shown love and generosity. This is why I am so excited about my Holiday Season Food Drive to collect non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army of Brampton. Since the launch of my food drive I am truly amazed by how many people have told me this is a noble cause and commend me for my efforts. When you believe in yourself and chose to be a good person you will find yourself to be more positive and successful in life. 
  • To determine your core values ask yourself the following questions:
  • What do you really believe in and stand for?
  • What are your values in life?
  • What qualities are you best known by others?
  • What are the core principles that are guiding your relationships with others?

Be Positive (Have a Positive Attitude)
One of the key factors to start believing in yourself is the importance of having a positive attitude. In one of my previous posts titled “The Self-made Man” I spoke about being a delusional optimist. For example, despite the empirical evidence of business failures I passionately believe that my business ventures will be the one to succeed. I have a positive attitude towards life. It does not mean I take an unrealistic view of pitfalls, uncertainties and risks. It merely means I believe in what I am doing and I am empathically confident in my ability to succeed. Remember Muhammad Ali said he was the greatest long before even he himself knew he was the greatest. Consider track and field 100m and 200m sensation Usain Bolt. Before the 2012 London Olympics that he said he wanted to be a legend and after winning the double triple he said “I'm now a legend. I'm also the greatest athlete to live.” When you have a positive attitude you will attract positive people around you. You will attract people who share your passion and interests.

To build self-belief and self-confidence you have to be positive. In my case because of my positive attitude I am always happy and cheerful and I always have an innate belief in a bright future. It does not mean that I don’t get down and sad like others. It does not mean I am unaffected by the lack of progress or failures. It just means that because of my positive attitude I am able to bounce right back up when I hit a hurdle or an obstacle.

I expect good things to happen but I am also conscious that sometimes things don’t always go as planned. Last week someone told me I had no leadership experience and when I smiled she said you take that so calmly. It is true I respond to most things calmly but never without thinking how can I improve as a leader or what have I learned from the experience or what are the things I can do to become a better leader? 

Having a positive attitude means where others see challenges I look for opportunities. It means where others see failures, I see experiences and lessons learned. I see the good in people around me and in most situations. To build your self-belief and self-confidence you need to have a positive attitude.

Take Action
Your actions should be consistent with your core values. In my blog yesterday titled “Elon Musk and SpaceX’s Goal Setting and Success” I spoke about the grand plan for the Colonisation of Mars. Your actions to support your core values don’t have to be as grand as building rockets and spacecraft that may one day be used to transport 80,000 people to colonise the Red Planet. 

Your action should be consistent to your core values and the activities you are taking to pursue your passion. Your actions should be a reflection of your innermost values, beliefs, and expectations on the inside. This is why what you achieve in life and work will be determined more by what is going on inside of you than by any other factor. My core values are respect, love and generosity. In small ways such as leading a Holiday Season Food Drive or through inspirational blogs such as this one I am taking actions to support my core values and pursue my dreams. 

Thanks for reading my blog today and may your day and week be filled with power of believing in yourself and self-confidence.

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Elon Musk and SpaceX’s Goal Setting and Success

Hello Friends, I trust that you had a wonderful weekend and hope that your week will be prosperous and productive. My weekend was relatively uneventful. Sunday morning I shoveled snow and later in the day Michelle and I went to a kids Christmas party in Toronto with Marisa.

My blog today is about goal setting and success of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX). I was inspired to blog about SpaceX and Elon Musk after watching about 2 minutes of Elon Musk being interviewed by Fareed Zakaria on CNN’s GPS Sunday morning. According to SpaceX’s website the company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets. Elon Musk is a billionaire and the founder of SpaceX and cofounder of PayPal.

Elon Musk caught my attention during his interview with Fareed Zakaria when he said "The key thing for SpaceX is to develop the technology to transport large numbers of people and cargo to Mars.” I was struck by Elon Musk’s statement because it is not just bold, it also a rather lofty mission and goal. As someone who is fascinated by space I decided to Google I SpaceX and Elon Musk.

I read online that Musk envisages a colony with 80,000 people on the red planet. The funny thing I discovered that Elon Musk and SpaceX are not the only ones thinking about travel to Mars. I also read online that earlier this year a Dutch company called Mars One began looking for volunteer astronauts to fly to Mars and that departure for the Red Planet is scheduled for 2022, landing seven months later in 2023.

Allow me to put this all in context for you. I am a big fan of Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic company which plans to provide suborbital spaceflights to space tourists, suborbital launches for space science missions, and orbital launches of small satellites. Further in the future, Virgin Galactic hopes to offer orbital human spaceflights as well. Elon Musk and SpaceX plan is to colonise Mars which in my mind supersede the goals of Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic when it comes to space travel. Elon Musk believes in his mission. I read online that in November 2012 he spoke about his lofty goal of Mars Colonisation when he was the guest of honour at the Royal Aeronautical Society.

From what I have read online about the Dutch company I mentioned above travelers to Mars are not likely to return to earth and will be expected to finish out their lives on Mars. Think of it this way, scientist believes human beings might be able to survive on Mars. However, once on Mars the physiological changes in the human body would make it difficult for voyagers to survive in Earth's conditions. Yet despite this knowledge Elon Musk is speaking about the colonisation of Mars. 
Another factor to take into consideration is that the technology does not currently exist that will allow us to travel to Mars much less to think about returning from Mars. To return from Mars, voyagers would require a rocket capable of escaping the gravitational field of Mars, on-board life support systems capable of up to a seven-month voyage and the capacity either to dock with a space station orbiting Earth or perform a safe re-entry and landing.

One of the key factors we learn about goal setting and success is that goals must be realistic and attainable. Elon Musk and SpaceX’s goal is truly bold and lofty. I cannot tell you whether they are realistic and attainable but what I do know is that Mars exploration is full of uncertainties. Elon Musk and SpaceX acknowledge the uncertainties involve in space exploration and Mars colonisation. He knows that uncertainties does not mean unrealistic or unattainable.

The plan to colonise Mars relies on improvements in technology which Elon Musk admits those improvements aren't simple to predict. Advances and improvement in technology will turn his dreams into possibilities. Ever step that is taken to improve space technology will make his goals closer to reality and closer to being attainable. 

We also know that success is measured by the things we do and accomplished allow the way in fulfilling our missions and goals. However, you can only celebrate small successes if you take action. Nothing is accomplished without action. In order for SpaceX to survive and pay its bills it has to be able to serve important customers like NASA, launching commercial broadcasting communication satellites, GPS satellites, mapping and science experiments. A key point to note about Elon Musk and SpaceX’s plan is that their focus is on handling transportation to Mars and not the actual colonies. Elon Musk’s SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. They executing their plans by are acting on the things that are currently within their control and capabilities.

We are likely to benefit from Elon Musk’s lofty dream to contribute to the colonisation of Mars. In designing rockets and spacecraft Elon Musk and SpaceX are likely to contribute to improved communication technology, improvement in science and medicine, better understanding of the universe, climate change and the environment. This is a lot of benefit when we consider this is only one man’s dream!

Elon Musk and others thinking about colonisation of Mars know that there are no infrastructure on Mar but they are not afraid of dreaming. The people who will likely travel to Mars will need to take care of their dead and as such there will likely need a crematorium. They will have to take care of their medical care. They will have to think about hydration in which case they will get some water by recycling their urine. It will be a lonely and dangerous life subsisting for extended periods on dried and canned food. The gap between "having the technology" to "sending people to Mars with the technology” is unknown. The time it will take to develop the technology is also unknown.

My take away from Fareed Zakaria’s GPS on CNN interview with Elon Musk yesterday is that our mission and goals must be bold. The can even be lofty. Our plans don’t have to be perfect. They can be sketchy at best. It does not mean we should not dream. It does not mean we should not set goals. It does not mean we should not measure success by the things we do and accomplished along the way in the pursuit of our missions, goals and successes.

Today I would like to encourage you to think of your goal setting and success in the same way as Elon Musk and SpaceX.

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Friday, November 22, 2013

3 Management Tips When Driving With My 5 Y.O (Part 2)

Hello Friends,

It is Friday and it is the start of the weekend. It is time to rest and recover and recharge your batteries.

This is the conclusion of my story I started last Friday about driving under the influence of my 5 y.o. daughter, Marisa. I truly enjoy long road trips with Marisa. At 5 y.o she is adorable and trouper. She keeps us alert and entertained on long drives.

As I told you last week the second phase of Marisa’s assault is aimed directly at Michelle. Marisa will start by slowing kicking the back of Michelle’s seat. At first it is done in such a way to let her mom thinks they are both enjoying either Adel or Beyonce. Michelle’s singing and dancing would include lots of hand gestures and erratic twirling of her head. During this period we will also get the odd stares from passengers in cars passing us on the highway. Some of the drivers and their passengers will wave and smile and I will reciprocate. Some people staring will have a curious look on their faces as if they are asking the question, what on mother earth Michelle is doing. Their puzzling stares will be exacerbated by the fact that they cannot hear Michelle on top of her voice belting out the tunes of songs she is listening. To the passing onlookers Michelle would appear to be miming but the reality would be inside our car it would be very loud with Adel or Beyonce blasting from the stereo, Michelle singing on top her voice and Marisa trying to get all the attention in the world.

Passengers in other vehicle will also take a glance at Marisa and her subtle movement and of course their stares would be accompanied by a smile communicating that Marisa is cute and adorable. In all of this my thoughts are on arriving at our destination safely and speedily to escape Marisa’s second phase assault. The truth is on long road trips we are like trapped foxes at the mercy of Marisa. We are like sitting ducks for her next epic explosion. Her disruptions will include complaining about a stomach or being nauseated. She will complain that the music is too loud or she does not want to listen to either Adel or Beyonce anymore or she wants to watch Jimmy Early (basically saying she would like to watch the either Daddy Daycare or Dreamgirls with Eddie Murphy). Marisa will just go on and on. Intermittently Marisa’s kicks to back of Michelle’s seat will get more aggressive and occasionally she will reach over and touch Michelle in her head as if rummage through her mother’s hair. At this point Michelle is drawn back to the reality inside the car and recognised that all along Marisa was not being entertained by either Adel or Beyonce. The truth is all along Marisa was employing a strategy of mind control with a subtle blend of aggression rather than being entertained and enjoying the music.

This behaviour calls for threats and consequences and at this point I will say to Marisa in a very stern voice “Marisa, stop that immediately or I will stop this car and I will take you out of the car and leave you right there on the side.” Sometimes rather than telling her I will leave her on the side of the road I will threaten to slap her behind. I usually get Marisa’s attention with my expert use of threats and consequences. She will pause just for a few second and then she would take her toy mobile phone and while pretending to speak with her imaginary friend and hopefully, not a 9…1…1 operator. She would then engage in a rather detailed conversation with the person at the other end, telling the person that Mummy and Daddy are not being nice.

On the very rare occasions if I am lucky I may be able to say to Marisa that I am putting my ears on pause and that I will not be able to hear her anymore. On such rare occasions she will then turn to her grandmother or grandfather sitting beside her and tell them daddy can’t hear anymore because he is an alien visiting from space. Most times my use of threats and consequence doesn’t work because Marisa is a master at taking me on a guilty trip. Usually in her conversation with imaginary friend, she will say, treat others as you wish to be treated and that she misses her wonderful family, which just melts my heart away. My friends you have to believe me Marisa is a master of trickery and as the father of two grown children I am no match for Marisa’s plots and ploys.

Enthusiastic Brainwashing
On very rare occasions Marisa will actually start crying because she is truly terrified of the consequences. Sometimes the thoughts of being left on her on the side of the road really scare the lively delight out of her. Yes, I would like her to stop all the whining but understandably long road trips are difficult for adults much less a 5 year old child. Marisa, like so many 5 y.o., gets bored and tired. And the thoughts of being left on the side of the road are indeed very scary. When Marisa is scared everyone knows from here frightened look and loud bawling. Have you ever heard the loud howling noise or screams that cats make late in the nights? A truly terrified Marisa can bawl and howl louder than your neighbourhood cats.

Given that she made me feel guilty and that is it also obvious that she is petrified this is the time for me to engage my third and final strategy that is enthusiastic brainwashing. With Marisa almost at the point of epileptic temperament with very long streams of tears running from her eyes I am filled with guilty. It is time for me to do damage control. My goal now is to get her to calm down and stop the everlasting bawling. At this point I will look at Marisa through the rear view mirror and say “Marisa if you stop crying, you will be the most adorable child in the world” or I may say “Marisa there is a deep hole in my heart, if you stop crying it will heal my heart instantly and daddy will love you with all my heart to the end of the earth” or I may even say “Marisa please stop crying, you are my most precious angel in all the universe.” 

Gradually she will calm down and the more she calms down and relaxed, the more exciting I will get and the more praises I will shower on Marisa. The point is I get more excited than Marisa does when I am using enthusiastic brainwashing. Sometimes I get so excited that Michelle will say to me “honey relax.” By this time I am now the one with the crazy hand gestures and erratic head movement. The passengers in passing vehicles would now be giving me the blank stares and the drivers would merely accelerate as if to say we better get as far away as possible from this crazy man. To be honest if I was driving and saw another driver acting the way I do when Marisa is calming down I would probably think the driver is crazy too and also try to get as far away as possible in a hurry too.

Marisa will eventually engage me in a lengthy conversation which is best described as monologue. During the conversation Marisa rarely gives me the opportunity to participate. She will create different stories and go on her monologue playing different characters using different voices. This will continue for about 30 to 40 minutes. On very long trips she will eventually fall asleep. During her naps Michelle and I have some peace and quiet time in the car or even have light conversations. However, one way or the other as long as she is awake Marisa’s thoughts and focus always shift back to the silly McDonald’s toy. 

I truly enjoy long road trips with Marisa. At 5 y.o she is adorable and trouper. She keeps us alert and entertained.

Please enjoy your weekend. 

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holiday Season Food Drive

Hello Friends, 

Thanks for coming back each day. My commitment to you is to continue daily blogging and sharing positive thoughts based on my experience that hopefully you will find uplifting. I sincerely appreciate the time you take to read my blog and send me kind emails and text messages.

Please allow me to express my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the 4 year boy who died in the hospital yesterday after being hit by a motor vehicle near a school in Mississauga, Ontario. As a parent, I can only imagine the agony of the pain inflicted on parents and relatives. They will be in my thoughts for a long time. May his soul rest in peace and his memories shine a light for his parents, family members and friends!

On Monday, November 11, 2013 (Remembrance Day) I officially launched my High Performance Leadership project titled Holiday Season Food Drive to benefit the Salvation Army of Brampton. My goal is to collect at least TEN 3.0 cubic feet (18 x 18 x 16) boxes of non-perishable food items to be delivered to the Salvation Army of Brampton by mid-December. I have enlisted the kind support of Toastmasters Clubs in the cities of Mississauga and Brampton to help collect non-perishable food items.

My Holiday Season Food Drive is gaining momentum among Toastmasters clubs and their members in the two cities. The members of my home club, City Centre Toastmasters Club, are extremely supportive of my efforts. They started donating non-perishable food items the day after the official launch of my Holiday Season Food. Members of City Centre Toastmasters Club will continue their donation at our meeting next on Tuesday, November 26, 2013 and at our final meeting for the year on December 3, 2013.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of presenting one of my humourous speeches as guest speaker at TD Creekside Toastmasters Club in Mississauga’s financial district. The members donated two large environmentally friendly reusable grocery bags full of non-perishable food items. I also had the opportunity to listen to wonderful Ice Breaker speech from Lisa, a member of the club. Lisa ended her speech extolling the virtues of Canada’s multiculturalism, freedom and inclusiveness. Please allow me to express a hearty congratulation to Lisa for completing her Ice Break, she spoke eloquently and all though she expressed thoughts of being nervous she appeared confident and managed to inject moments of humour and use of gestures in her speech. I would also like to express my gratitude the members of the TD Creekside Toastmasters for their generous support and encouragement of my Holiday Season Food Drive.

Over the next two weeks I have invitations to visit Point of Tale Toastmasters and Speak To Inspire Toastmasters in Brampton and Sheridan Bruins, at Sheridan College in Mississauga. This morning I also received this wonderful message from Diana Alandete, the founder and sponsor of Leaders' Corner Toastmasters Club:

Hola Mark,

Thanks for your email and for the great work you are doing collecting food for the Salvation Army of Brampton.

I would like to include 3 clubs that I am associated with to help you in your High Performance Leadership Project. I would like to invite you as a guest speaker to visit each of the 3 three clubs I am associated with to talk to our members about your great project.

I will start talking to  members this coming Monday, that way when you come, they know about the food drive, and I will also mention it to our other club the following Saturday.
We will talk soon to arrange the dates.

Chao for now,

Friends I share the above to use the opportunity to invite you to find a Toastmasters club near you and of course, if you live in the cities of Mississauga and Brampton use your visit to participate in my Holiday Season Food Drive. As I have stressed over my past two months of daily blogging your development, growth and success is important to me. For almost 15 years I have benefited from my involvement in Toastmasters and I would also like you have a similar experience. 

Toastmasters International’s mission is to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. For your personal development and growth is one of the World’s best communication and leadership programmes. My home club, City Centre Toastmasters in among 14,350 clubs in 122 countries around the world that provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth. In District 86 alone there are over 200 active clubs and more than 5,000 members.

Again thanks for your support and encouragement. Have a great day!

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Making Your Mark on the World is Hard

Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. It's whether you let it harden or shame you into inaction, or whether you learn from it; whether you choose to persevere.” ― Barack Obama

Hello friends, it is Wednesday and it is the middle of the week. I hope you are having a great week. On Monday I had a great meeting with representatives of one of Canada’s big 5 banks. We spoke extensively about regulatory changes and the impact on financial institutions’ operations. On the subject of financial services I am sure you would have heard by now that JPMorgan Chase & Co. has agreed to pay $13 billion in a landmark settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice. JPMorgan acknowledged that it misled investors about the quality of risky mortgage-backed securities ahead of the 2008 financial crisis. It is the largest settlement ever between the U.S. government and a corporation. My friends I share the news about my meeting on Monday and JPMorgan’s massive settlement to tell you that I have made it a part of my life’s purpose to make a small contribution to the safety and soundness of global financial markets. The ultimate goal of my contribution is to safeguard the interest of users of financial services. In directly I am protecting you, your savings, investments and pensions! It is a tough job!

Please allow me to share some thoughts on making a mark on the world. Each us reach a point in our lives when our single most important goal becomes trying to understand our life's purpose. We ask ourselves the questions “Why am I here?” or “What is my purpose in life?” or “What will my legacy be?”

Most successful athletes such as Usain Bolt, Lebron James, Sidney Patrick Crosby, Chris Gayle and celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga, Eminem and outstanding leaders in governments and businesses will tell you that making a mark on the world is hard. Yet we all strive to leave a legacy. Why do we strive to make a mark on the world? It is simple. Innate in each of us, somewhere deep inside our subconscious mind, we do not want to pass through this world quietly. We do not want to be unnoticed. We want to be remembered long after we have gone from his world. However, mark my words we are not all going to be Steve Jobs or even my idol Nelson Mandela who is today ailing in South Africa. 

Although we will not all be remembered like men such as Ghandi or Martin Luther King or women like Rosa Parks or Eleanor Roosevelt does not mean we should not strive to make our own little mark on the world. If you would like to make a mark on the world do not let others determine what you should or should not do in life. Kick stereotype and expectations through the door. You have to clear your mind and truly assess what will make the most sense for you and your legacy. Yesterday in an email exchange with my daughter, Marchelle, I reminded her of the importance of not letting others determine who is or what she becomes. I reminded her that if we stand for nothing we will die for nothing. The reason for my email was to merely remind Marchelle that in the pursuit of our passion and the pursuit of happiness we should not let others stand in our way. We should move steadfastly towards our goals with little patience or tolerance for naysayers and time wasters.

In order to make a mark on the world, you have to blaze your own trail. What is meaningful to you? What activities do you enjoy? What are your ideas and ambitions? By answering these and other questions you will better understand the things that drive you and full you with passion. Your passion has to be blended with a strong conviction to preserve in the face of enormous challenges and obstacles. I recalled my early days as an immigrant in Canada. I remember the obstacles I faced and the rejections I received in my attempts to secure employment in the financial services sector. Rejections have a way of leading to a sense of dejection. If you allow it, it will eat away at your self-confidence and self-esteem. It can make you feel worthless and useless. However, in my experience as immigrant I was not prepared to be defeated.

Each obstacle I faced tested my innermost strength and resolve. It bolstered my determination and commitment not to be shackled by stereotype and expectations but rather to seek out other avenues to make my contribution to financial services. When all the doors appeared closed to me in Toronto financial district I seized the moment and used the opportunity to form my consulting practice, Mark McKenzie Consulting and traveled the world building capacity and providing technical assistance as part of my contribution to stability in global financial markets.

In our quest to make a mark on the world it is very easy to succumb to the challenges and obstacles that we face. If our basic needs according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are not satisfied we easily become caught up by the demands of life to surviving from day to day. Survival becomes our single focus. We lose sight of our purpose, mission and ambitions in life. I have been there. I have experience the agony of mistakes and failures. I have fallen but refused to be defeated. I refused to be defined by my mistakes and failures although they have taught me some very important lessons in life. I start each day as if it will be my last day on earth and the last opportunity to achieving my goals and making a mark on the world. If you ask me how I am able to remain positive each day I will tell you it is by pure determination.

My skills and experiences in financial services have given me an opportunity to make my small contribution to stability in global financial markets. However, I have other passions and other ambitions. Let me share an experience with you. In January 2009, about two months before my mother died, I was sitting with her at home in Kingston, Jamaica. Her sight was ravaged by the effects of diabetes that led to cataract and glaucoma. On that particular day I asked my mother if she remembered my smile. I remembered as a child how she loved when I smiled. She would always tell me I had a lovely smile.

However, in her ailing state with deteriorating memory and lost sight she told me that she did not remember my lovely smile. It was a truly sad and touching conversation for me. It was one of the last conversations I had with my mother before she died. However, this is not my mother’s legacy. We all want to leave a legacy behind so that our children’s children and others will remember us. My mother was a simple woman. She did not find the cure for cancer or HIV. She did not run a marathon. The only place she ever traveled to outside of Jamaica was the U.S. I have done more and I have accomplished more than she did her life on earth.

What is the purpose of telling you about my mother? Making a mark on the world is hard but my mother a simple woman left a legacy of compassion. She was kind and caring to others. From my mother I learned how to be compassionate and hence I developed my passion for charity. Last week Monday I launched my High Performance Leadership project titled Holiday Season Food Drive for the Salvation Army of Brampton and yesterday I had the opportunity to speak City Centre Toastmasters Club members about my food drive.

For my food drive I have a very simple goal. My goal is to collect at least TEN 3.0 cubic feet (18 x 18 x 16) boxes of non-perishable food items to be delivered to the Salvation Army of Brampton in mid-December. I have a number of Toastmasters Clubs and Toastmasters’ members participating in my food drive in the cities of Brampton and Mississauga. Today I will be the guest speaker at TD Creekside in the financial district in Mississauga. I will be delivering one my humourous speeches and collecting TD Creekside Toastmasters Club’s contribution to my food drive. You are invited to find a Toastmasters Club in Brampton and Mississauga near you and ask about my food drive. Toastmasters International offers one of the world’s leading communication and leadership development programme.
You can make your mark on the world, if you kick expectations through the door, find your passion, view each day as the last chance to pursue your goals and use your skills and talents effectively. Making a mark on the world is hard. You have to be determined. You have to resolve not to be defeated by challenges and obstacles.

Above all, take something from me….if I can do it in my small way…without the limelight and cameras…without the glim and glamour…sure as hell you too can do! I believe in your ability and capability to make a different…You too can make a mark on the world although it is hard!

Go out and make your mark on the world!

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

4 Serious Reasons Conan O’Brien is an Influencer

Dear Mr. Conan O’Brien,

My name is Mark McKenzie and I would like to share with you 4 serious reasons I believe you should be a Linkedin Influencer. Linkedin is the premier social media for professionals and the business community. Linkedin in serious business and not to be poked fun of!

Conan O’Brien I am absolutely confident in you as a leader and an influencer. Last Thursday I had the opportunity to present my Leaders Leave Legacy Workshop to the City of Mississauga Employees’ Toastmasters Club. During my presentation one of the participants lamented that she did not consider herself as leader. However, I assured her that everyone is a leader. Conan O’Brien, you are a leader and you should be confident in yourself.

As you pursue your goal to become a Linkedin Influencer you should remember that while care is an important attribute of great leaders, leadership is also about ability to influence others to achieve specific goals. Let me share with you another example from my workshop last week. At the end of the session a gentleman told me that my emphasis on the fact that everyone is leader resonated with him. He told me a story about how his daughter’s teacher corrected him when he told the teacher that he did not consider his child as a leader. Conan O’Brien you do not need such a reassurance because in the field of entertainment and comedy you are clearly a leader and an influencer. 

My endorsement is therefore for you to be a Linkedin Influencer similar to the flamboyant and vivacious Richard Branson. I know it will take you a while to overshadow a personality like Richard Branson who once shaved his legs, swapped his boxer shorts for a pair of stockings and dressed as a stewardess after losing wager. I am confident about the extreme you will go to gain the Linkedin Influencer status. Twerking with Miley Cyrus could do you no harm in your campaign.

Let us get serious. Here are 4 serious reasons I am endorsing you as a Linkedin Influencer:

You are not just an entertainer you are actually funny at times
Most influential people are known for their outstanding oratorical or public speaking ability. Conan O’Brien, you have excellent communication skills. You are an entertainer and as a matter of fact you are actually funny at times. I found your Linkedin rant and troll to be entertaining and funny. Your outstanding oratorical skills complemented with your sense of humour will make you not just a Linkedin Influencer but rather a Linkedin Influencer Entertainer just as Richard Branson is the Linkedin Influencer Entrepreneur. Let me share a little secret with you. I am member of Toastmasters International which offers the one of the best communication and leadership programmes in the world. If you want to improve your communication skills, you are welcome to visit my City Centre Toastmasters Club at noon on a Tuesday or find a club near you to receive a frank evaluation and useful feedback.

You are enthusiastic about your goal to a Linkedin Influencer
Conan O’Brien I know you have passion for your goal to become a Linkedin Influencer. You have passion for the things you do. I first took notice of your passion in June 2009 when you moved his entire team to Los Angeles to take over Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show”. In 2010, after you were slapped in the face by NBC you once again demonstrated your passion as an entertainer and comedian. You assembled your team, opened a Twitter account, and began your "Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour." In addition to your passion you also have the powers of persuasion. Without the powers of persuasion, how else can we explain your almost 100K followers on Linkedin? I am now following you on Linkedin. Please accept my status as follower as my public endorsement and commitment to your cause to be a Linkedin Influencer Entertainer. You should also remember that great leaders are also great followers. They know when to lead and when they need to be led. In this respect, you should not view my following that I am just a follower but rather that we are both leaders and influencers.

We all know that the driving force behind influence is passion and enthusiasm. Conan O’Brien you are not short of passion and enthusiasm. My endorsement is not merely for you as a Linkedin Influencer Entertainer. I am also crowning Enthusiastic Linkedin Influencer Entertainer. However, let me caution you about social media. In the age of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ just to name a few your friends, followers and influencers are fungible. Reciprocity is a key part of the culture of social media. You must demonstrate appreciation to your followers. They hold the power to unlike, unfriend or unfollow and therefore, they can easily erode your Linkedin Influencer status with a click and flick of the mouse.

Conan You Find Fun in Things
Influential people usually find the positive in most things. You on the other hand find fun in most things. To be totally honest it was not until I read you satirical rant on Linkedin about Linkedin Influencers that you caught my attention. Arm with your sense of humour you ripped through Linkedin’s reputation as social media hub for serious professionals and the business community. It was funny and you made me laugh. However, seriously I enjoy blogs written my most Linkedin Influencers. Richard Branson is one my favourite Linkedin Influencer. As a daily blogger I am working assiduously to develop a similar presentation style to Linkedin Influencers. My goal is to one day become a Linkedin Influencer like you and may be you and I will share a corner office in cyber world.

On the point of you being funny I have one request of you. Please don’t make fun of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. He is already too funny. A joke from you would be poking fun at the joker Rob Ford! Have you heard that he is now figure head mayor rather a bobble head mayor?

You caught my attention
You caught my attention with your Linkedin troll. Your focus to be a Linkedin Influencer is admirable. You have taken this one very simple idea and you are driving it forward with focus, intensity and passion. Yesterday I noticed that even Richard Branson got caught up in your idea.

Conan O’Brien, I would like to wish you the very best in your campaign to be a Linkedin Influencer. Conan O’Brien you are not just a leader, today I endorse you as an Enthusiastic Linkedin Influencer Entertainer.

Best Wishes, 

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Habits to Highly Successful Drivers

Hello friends, how was your weekend? 

I hope you had a great weekend and wish you all the best for the week ahead.

I had an extremely hectic weekend. I helped Michelle and Marisa decorate the house for the Christmas Holidays. I merely took orders, followed instructions and lifted boxes. Michelle tried to delegate but Marisa was the real authoritarian boss. Our decorations include two lovely Nutcracker soldiers currently guarding the fireplace in the family room. Please let me add, that I don’t believe the two beautiful Nutcrackers soldiers will be able to match for Marisa when she confronts them in the battle of destruction. I anticipate that they will be defeated long before the Christmas Holidays. 

Today I would like to share with you my thoughts on the 5 habits to highly successful drivers. While driving is full of turns, our lives are full of decisions. The key to a highly successful life is learning or knowing how to navigate towards each of our decisions. One way is to treat your decisions like turns in driving. When you are driving, whether you are turning right, left, or reversing direction, you must commit to the turn. In life you have to commit to your goals. You should make your decisions based on the activities necessary to accomplish your goals. Just as a driver is required to let other drivers know what he or she is about to do, you also have to communicate your goals and decisions to others.

Make a Decision
Before any major changes in our lives we typically go through the stage of evaluating our options. For example if we are purchasing a car will look at different types or models of cars within our price range. If we are thinking of a career change we don’t just jump off a cliff recklessly without specific goals. Instead we usually look at the various career opportunities available based on our interest, set new career goals and then decide which route to pursue. In driving before your turn, you need to make up your mind and then commit to turning. Hesitation can confuse others and put you in a dangerous position. Just like a driver we must make decisions in life. Our decisions should be based on our goals. We have to be decisive in terms of what it is that we would like to accomplish. 

We cannot be indecisive. We can be cautious but not indecisive and definitely don’t procrastinate. As drivers we are required to watch what other drivers are doing and keep an eye out for pedestrians on the road and sidewalks. In life you have to be cautious. Timing is also critical. Assess the risks associated with your decisions and take steps to mitigate such risks. You must also be on the alert for distractions that can adversely affect the outcome of your decisions and goals. You have to treat those as amber lights and proceed with caution.

Correct Signal
In driving correct signals are used to indicate to other drivers and users of the road the decision you are about to make. No matter what direction you are turning correct signals are important in driving. The timing of your signal is also very important. The best way to help you understand the importance of correct signals is to let you think about a young couple where the girl is very excited and wants to get married. I still remember the many clues my wife gave me before we got married 20 years. Just as giving correct signals are important, it is also vital to be able to read signals correctly. You can use correct signals to propel your career. For example, by entering to a specific training programme this could signal to your manager that you have a vested interest in your personal development and your career.

Don't back up (Don’t look back)
In driving if you miss your turn it is dangerous to turn around suddenly. The correct procedure if you miss your turn is to keep going until it is safe to turn around and go back. I have had a relatively successful career that has taken me around the entire world. I have made some mistakes along the way and learned some invaluable lessons. However, I have very few regrets and very rarely look back. In your life once you have set your goals and you have made your decisions, keep on going. Live in the present. If you have to look back, think only of the valuable lessons you learned and how to avoid the same mistakes later in life.

Occasionally in life we have pause and take few steps back or re-trace our steps. It could be we need to do a self-assessment or re-evaluation of our goals. You can view your self-assessment or re-evaluation similar to a U-turns. U-turn is used when you miss your turn. In driving U-turns are prohibited in certain areas. They are not permitted in front of a fire station, on a one-way street, in a no-passing zone, or areas with "No U-turns" sign posted. In your life don’t do U-turns or don’t look back. However, you should do self-assessments or re-evaluations. They are useful when you have missed your goals or when you have achieved your targets or when you want to set new ones or when you want to measure your progress.

Right-hand turns are easy but you still need to be cautious
When driving on the city streets in the Greater Toronto Area, right hand turns are relatively easily but as drivers we still need to be cautious. If you plan to turn right, only make your turn when your route is clear of other vehicular and pedestrian traffic. As a cyclist I am always on the lookout for motorists making right hand turns because I am fearful of getting hit especially when I am in the driver’s blind spot. Some decisions that we make in life are relatively easy decisions but we still need to take care when making all decisions and be aware of blind spots or pitfalls.

Left-hand turns are risky, life involves risk
Left hand turns are very risky. They are the hardest especially at busy intersections. Left hand turns can be avoided but at great cost and time. To avoid one left hand turn you would need to make at least four right hand turns. In driving if you plan to turn left, you have to ensure that you position your car close to the center line, or median, before you turn. You should only make your left turn when it is safe. Left turns are riskier but we have to make them anyway. Life is about risks. We cannot go through life avoiding risks. 

There is uncertainty and risks all around us and a key factor for success is that we should identify, assess, monitor and manage risks. For example, I have worked in some truly insecure and unstable countries in terms of physical and health security. Prior to my assignments in countries such as Afghanistan and parts of Africa, I typically take a number of steps to mitigate some the security risks. For example, for health I ensure that my immunization vaccines are up to date. As an entrepreneur I also know a lot about risk and uncertainty. Despite the risk involved I have had a very rich life. One that is full of experiences and memories. To be successful you too have to make difficult left hand turns. You have to confront risks.

What life lessons have you learned from driving?

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.

Friday, November 15, 2013

3 Management Tips When Driving With My 5 Y.O

Hello friends and readers thank you for reading my daily blog. 

While my daily blogging has given me a visible presence on the Internet especially on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin and Slideshare the reason I blog is to inspire and motivate. 

Yesterday I received an email from my friend Ambreen who wrote:
“Mark, I just went through your blog, McKenzie’s Voice. After going through some of your blog posts I truly got engaged in your blog and decided to follow your blog McKenzie’s Voice by email. Your blog contents are truly awesome and I loved reading it. Very Best Wishes for you as a speaker and writer. Keep up all the great work.”

I cannot over emphasise my sincere gratitude to Ambreen and all my enthusiastic supporters for taking the time out to read my blog. I am truly inspired by your loyalty and support. I am committed to continue daily blogging as long as I have something uplifting and positive to share with you. As the world’s renown maestro and reggae icon Bob Marley said in his song titled "Bad Card" you a-go tired fe see me face; can't get me out of the race. If you are looking for inspiration, please continue to read McKenzie’s Voice!

Today I would like to share with you three (3) management tips I used when driving with my 5 year old, Marisa. The tales and stories are too much so I have decided to do this post in two parts. Today I am sharing Part 1 and I am inviting you back next Friday, 22nd of November for Part 2.

Marisa is an adorable child. When Marisa was born Marchelle told Michelle and I that she was the rough draft. She also told us that Malcolm was the revised copy and Marisa was final version. Marisa is, in fact, the final copy since few days after her birth I went straight to my urologist to get a vasectomy and stock a bag of cold beans on my nuts for a couple of hours.

Marisa is in a whole different world of her own especially when I am driving with her. On two recent road trips Marisa and I have had to engage in lengthy conversations that would truly embarrass Ted Cruz all-nighter marathon anti-Obamacare speech. On our drive back home from dropping Malcolm off at the University of Ottawa, Marisa and I entertain her mom and her grandfather and never once in our more than two hours show did we reap Dr. Suess’ Green Eggs and Ham. Marisa created games that she and I played while I am driving. She told me scary stories and repeated them a thousand times with tiny variations. On our recent trip back from NY we held the same show with the same script this time to entertain her mom and her grandmother. 

Despite her charm, I am typically forced to execute three decisive and useful strategies when driving under the influence of my 5 y.o. (DWI5). They are:
  1. Reverse psychology;
  2. Threats and consequences; and
  3. Enthusiastic brainwashing.
In Ontario there are laws against driving, texting and other kinds of distraction. There are no laws against DWI5. DWI5 is a battle of survival of the fittest. Typically in this battle Marisa usually gets the better of me. From my little story above you should have determined by now that the smart guys who came up with installing DVD players in cars failed miserable. Marisa only watches one movie in the car and that is Eddie Murphy’s Daddy Daycare. She has watched so many times we both can recite scenes from the movie.

My favourite lines are;
“Mr. Broccoli is a no-show. He got called back on a potato chip commercial.”

“Marvin! The guy who smells the mail.”

“I am Miss Harridan, the headmistress of Chapman Academy. Language skills are a critical component her at Chapman. Our philosophy is that a child is like a climbing vine. With structure to cling to and the right gardener to tend to them they will grow to the sky.”

The DVD in the car does not work with Marisa. When she zones out of the DVD especially on long drives I have to engage plan B. If you have ever heard the saying “as stubborn as mule” well that is Marisa once she zones out on a long ride. This typically calls for the use of my management and communication skills aptly gained from 20 years of professional experience and constantly refined at my weekly City Centre Toastmasters Club’s meetings.

Reverse Psychology 
This strategy is mostly used after one of those McDonald’s stops to get a kid meal merely to add to Marisa’s ridiculous pile of useless McDonald's toys. The scenes are usually the same. You are accustomed to the typical question “Are we there yet?” 

Marisa strategy is a slightly different. She will either say she is hungry or that she urgently needs to use the bathroom. This typically comes after about two signs indicating the next rest stop ahead. As she is just learning to read I have to give credit to McDonald's for cluing her in. It seems to me that the company has found a way to place McDonald's logo somewhere in between the rest stop signs that even the visually impaired child could not miss.

The truth is, it doesn't really matter whether anyone else in the car needs to use the bathroom or even cares for anything to eat from McDonald's. Once Marisa locks in we may as well as decide to stop. Reverse psychology is used on the flip side of the stop. It is used when we are back in the car and Marisa has finished eating her chicken nuggets, yogurt and chocolate milk. McDonald's stops are usually quick, in and out. The longest part of McDonald's stops involves using the bathroom. As the driver, McDonald's stops doesn't work very well for rest and recovery purposes.

Once Marisa has finished eating she will hone in on her recently acquired McDonald's toy. The toy will typically captivate her attention and keep her occupied for at least 30 minutes before she decides she does not want the toy anymore. She will take the next hour or so, whining, kicking Michelle’s seat, annoying and antagonizing whoever is sitting beside her. This is done while constantly expressing her disgust with the ridiculous McDonald’s toy. As the driver, I typically have final say in the car on long trips. I am fully responsible for the well-being of all the passengers and their safety. In order to ensure our safety and to keep our sanity, I will engage in reverse psychology. 

My normal approach is to call out to Marisa in a very calm and friendly tone of voice. Once I have her attention I will say to Marisa “If you don’t like the toy anymore, why don’t you turn the window down and throw it outside.” Reverse psychology doesn’t work with Marisa. I think a part of why I fail miserable is that I usually add “if you throw your toy outside a kid from Africa will get it!” Talk about as smart as a five year and as dumb as dad! Marisa typically pause and then ask rhetorically “Daddy, how is the child in Africa going to get my toy when I throw it outside?” and after a deafening pause she would say in very nonchalant voice “Daddy, that is ridiculous, I am not throwing my toy outside. You are silly, Daddy!” I have to tell you sometimes I find it difficult to come back from Marisa’s blows.

Threats and Consequences
With Marisa, reverse psychology works to the extent that it allows Marisa and I to engage in one of our lengthy conversations. Our conversation will continue until she remembers her annoyance with the toy and that she doesn't want the toy anymore and starts whining again. The second phase is usually surgical and methodical. It is usually much more intense than the first phase and therefore usually calls for a more authoritative response. 

In the second phase I have to admit, and do take pity on Michelle. Typically in second phase, Michelle gets the blunt and full wrath of Marisa derived from her fierce frustration with the McDonald’s toy. As I am writing this I cannot help but admire Marisa’s cunning strategy. As I think about it, Michelle may even have an excellent case to file against McDonald's as the primary source of her abuse.

In the first phase Marisa winds everyone up except me or until I intervene with my attempt at the use of reverse psychology. In the second phase she seeks out an individual to either brainwash into supporting her cause or convert into a bitter enemy fit to destroy or annihilate. Michelle sits in front passenger seat directly in front of Marisa and appears to be the perfect candidate for Marisa’s strategy. Marisa is smart, witty and sly. In the second phase she starts out with Michelle in a conversational style by saying “Mommy, you are the best mommy in the world, only you can make this toy work. Daddy is useless!”

Well ….let me tell you….. there is not a wife in the world who would not agree with her a 5 y.o after such as wonderful commendation of her worth and condemnation of her husband. Marisa’s statement is profound. It includes praises, creates alliance and support and creates a common adversary. A wrong move from me will put me in direct conflict with Michelle, my front seat passenger, and clearly will not win me any friendship from Marisa.

Marisa is skillful and in one shot she sucks Michelle right in and alienates me entirely. For a brief moment Michelle and Marisa are best of friends. It is dream of dreams, mother-daughter affair as they are both fully engaged back and forth with the toy. At this point I am cautiously happy and can drive in peace a little longer. However, I am always on alert for Marisa’s killer instinct. Make no two bones about it at some point within the next 30 to 45 minutes Marisa will get back to why she doesn’t want the toy anymore. She has a clear vision, mission and decisive strategy. The strategy is usually executed at the point where Michelle thinks that Marisa is comfortable enough and she turns the volume up on the radio. So now we can finally listen to the sweet sounds of Adel or Beyonce. Marisa loves Adel and Beyonce but not when she is moving for the kill to vigorously vent her frustration with the McDonald’s toy.


Next Friday, 22nd of November I will finish this blog with Part 2: Are We Dead Yet?

Have a great week end!

Mark McKenzie is a leading Subject Matter Expert in financial services regulation and supervision as well as a professional motivational speaker, corporate trainer and youth mentor.  He can be contacted by email or by telephone 647-406-4622. Read my blog and always write me a comment and share. Follow me on Twitter @mackynacky. Connect with me on, Google+, Facebook and Linkedin.